Thursday, December 13, 2012

Review of the UVM Dance Students Showcase

Before last semester, I didn't really understand all that spiritual crap. I thought that people who “danced through their soul” were just full of it. But then I took Dance 060 with Clare Byrnes (you should all take it if you have any room for a FUN class), and the whole spiritual thing made sense. I mostly took it because I heard it was an easy A, and then I actually started to like it. Clare taught me a lot about dance, and I began to appreciate the art that I thought only girls who don’t shower and hipster kids who cover Bailey Howe with their cigarette smoke as they complain about how hard it is writing their English papers are would like. I really grew to like the class and everyone in it and it was definitely a crazy spiritual experience.
But that’s not what I came here to talk about. I recently saw a showcase put on by UVM students (Clare always makes her students perform for an audience) and I absolutely loved it. One of my good friends Sonia Santvoord is the one who invited me and I’m so glad that I went. I was in a grumpy mood because I’d just got woken up from a nap and I was not tryna get my soul touched. But I did, and I left Southwick Hall with a much better feeling about myself. It was the first time in a long time that I had gone to something extracurricular that I was not getting credit for, and I sat through the entire performance, without having to pretend that I needed a “bathroom break.” The different girls in the class were all so poised, passionate, and talented at dancing and a lot of them were funny and fun to watch! I wish more people went to stuff like this, because I’m sure the students in Clare’s choreography class could have used the extra support, or maybe even the extra pressure. I loveeeedddd watching the various performances and I wish they happened more often. They were really cool to watch and I encourage all my peers to stop by a show some time! They’re usually free and less than an hour long, and they’re just super entertaining. At the end of the night I promise you’ll feel cooler, or if not you’ll at least get a kick out of it because this is not ordinary choreography.. UVM does do everything bigger and better.

Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Reasons Why I Never Want To Leave UVM

10 Reasons Why I Never Want To Leave UVM
1. I will have to look like/act like/be like a real person.
Not looking forward to having to dress up every day, and have my life together (or at least appear to do so). Being in college is great because no one ever judges you for looking like you haven’t showered/slept/eaten a real meal in 2 days.

2. I’m going to have a really boring/embarrassing Facebook page with pictures of my children/pets as my profile picture.
It’s just something all adults are into. When does the transition from funny statuses to complaining about doing our taxes happen? I don’t get it.

3. I will have to work 12 months a year, instead of the measly 8 I work now.
I think school is long enough as it is, I wonder how life is gonna be like once I have to do it all year round..

4. All of my best friends will no longer live 5 minutes away from me.
What keeps me going through the looooong summer breaks is that at the end of the 3 months we will all be reunited with our BFFS!!!!!!!!!!  Except not anymore when all of our friends are spread out across New England.

5. Summers will never mean what they mean now
*insert really corny country song here*

6. I will look forward to the weekends so I can sleep and run errands, not so I can make bad decisions with my friends.
I look forward to Saturdays because that is when I get to lay in bed being a hungover bum all day. I don’t want have to wake up at a decent hour because Saturday is the only day that I have time to do things.

7. I probably will no longer start off St. Patrick’s Day with a couple of beers
The world stops for UVM students on March 17th.

8. Day drinking will no longer be socially acceptable…………..
Having a couple beers at noon is a little weird when you have to return to work after your lunch break.

9. Buying alcohol is not as fun if you can legally buy it
Having a fake ID is the biggest thrill possible. Even if it is just a poor old senile lady at WalMart that you’ve tricked into believing that you’re 23, not 20, you just walk out with your PBR’s feeling like a badass. Not that I would know or anything but I’m just guessing that’s how it feels

10. I can’t just skip work to go on a hike with my friends
Skipping class to go on a hike or go to North Beach is a given for all UVM students on the first nice day. But you can’t just call out of work every time there’s a nice spring day.