Monday, October 29, 2012


So it's happening. As Hurricane Sandy tears up the east coast of the US, we're still waiting for some major impact here at UVM. It all seems like a bit of hype right now.
However, the storm has created a huge impact in many places today: I woke up to messages from my friend in Philadelphia saying she was 'terrified to go outside' and subsequent continuing Facebook updates from my friends in New York, Boston and Rhode Island.
Here's some links that may be of interest to you as we wait for the storm, and possibly in the aftermath!

ABC News is reporting live updates about the places affected by the hurricane:
There have been currently five reported deaths in New York state.

CNN is also covering the Hurricane, with "5 things to know":
1. When's it going to hit?
2. Who's in danger?
3. How should people prepare?
4. What is my state doing?
5. What about transportation? is also doing live coverage, with some videos showing damage in various areas up the east coast, reporting their own "top 5" current storm damage, also stating that Sandy is no longer classified as a hurricane, but is now being named "Superstorm Sandy":
1. Storm Surge flooding in NYC
2. Winds of 60-80+ mph reported
3. More than 3 million without power
4. Appalachian Blizzard
5. What Next?

Two other interesting sites to check out for more hurricane/superstorm coverage is Fox News:
and for some more news focusing on Vermont, NBC News:

And while we wait in Vermont and hope desperately that classes tomorrow get cancelled --- take a minute to be thankful that a storm that has killed people and done so much horrific damage seems to be dying down.

Be safe people!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We're-over-halfway-there week

So it's week 9 and everyone's feeling it. More students are in the library at night, more people aren't sleeping as much, more people are pulling all-nighters to get work done. We're tired.
At home, we almost always have a mid-semester break after 7 weeks; almost exactly in the middle. So I'm feeling in desperate need of a break right now, and the thought that thanksgiving is still so far away is somewhat depressing.

There are still lots of things to enjoy about this time of year - and trust me, Americans are so lucky, with so many more holidays to celebrate leading up to Christmas.
Firstly; the word on everyone's lips this week (and perhaps this is not as exciting for you to hear as for me, but I do think this is exciting): Halloween. I've definitely spent more than my fair share of time looking up every possible costume idea!

Secondly; the great Vermont outdoors. I went on my first hike on the weekend and it was ama-aazing. I now completely understand what all the fuss is about. I was feeling very tired and grouchy in the few days before I went on the hike, but coming back completely exhausted on Saturday afternoon, I was also completely refreshed. I can highly recommend it as a stress reliever! Going to get free samples at Cabot Cheese afterwards was a bonus.

Thirdly; on Monday I got a care package from my best friend at home. Filled with delightful Australian goodies like Tim Tams, Cadbury Creations and Vegemite, it made my day!! Never underestimate the power of a gift or a simple gesture. You never know when it will be returned! There's definitely some good karma going her way.

Now, back to my history paper... only three and a half weeks 'til Thanksgiving break!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Procrastination (3 blogs to see before you die)

There are a surprising amount of freaking awesome college-related blogs out there! I've linked a couple of my favorite meme/gif blogs previously; this one particularly rings true today (after spending the weekend in Montreal, where the shopping is 100 000 times better than Burlington, but the taxes are cray)

So; after spending a disproportionate amount of time choosing 3 awesome blogs for you guys to read, I settled on the following:

Surviving College Life
I love this blog! Written by a girl called Jamie, it focuses on things like alternative ideas for spring break, how to manage your finances, splitting things with your roommate, how to find cheap flights and how to become a tourist in your own town over summer break. She writes in an easy-to-read, informative way, and links a number of really useful sites. Great for ideas on how to keep busy and fun things to do!

College Fashion
An awesome blog for poor clothes-lovers. You can literally spend hours trawling the various clothes, hair and make-up tips, plus advice on how to wear runway looks on a budget and practical clothes for the weather. One post I'm loving right now (leading up to my first ever halloween) is 15 College Halloween Costume Ideas for Girls on a Budget.

Open Culture
This is something a little more serious and educational. A super interesting, varied blog on absolutely anything you can think of! This blog includes lots of cool facts and quirky finds that you wouldn't normally know about, and uses a lot of videos in the blogging. This blog also has a bunch of free course guides, movies, language lessons and 'smart' youtube channels. So useful! One post I think is awesome is The Origin of Quantum Mechanics Explained in Four Animated Minutes - mainly because I didn't think anyone could make physics interesting. Super cool stuff.

Lastly, with the weather change we have seen over the last week or two, I'll leave you with an idea for what to do next time it's raining...

Until next time!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Parent's Weekend

Judging from all the trucks dropping off large quantities of beautiful flowers to be quickly planted on campus in the last two days, it must be time for parent's weekend (also known as the biggest economy-boosting weekend of the year for UVM - just take a look at the Christmas presents in the bookstore).

This is a new concept for me, so I've spent time this week asking (and overhearing) what parent's weekend means to YOU.

Three bros: "Dude, mom's bringing me brownies", "My mom's bringing me brownies and a cake", "My mom's bringing me two cakes" ... manly.

"Parent's weekend means I have to hide my girlfriend"
"Parent's weekend means I have to hide my weed"
"Parent's weekend means I have to share my weed"

"My parents aren't coming so they're sending money; score!"

"It's parent's weekend? FUCK."

And for those of us living on campus who's parents are not making the trip up this weekend, one thing is certain: the food at the Grundle is about to improve about 200%. That can only be a good thing.