Monday, October 29, 2012


So it's happening. As Hurricane Sandy tears up the east coast of the US, we're still waiting for some major impact here at UVM. It all seems like a bit of hype right now.
However, the storm has created a huge impact in many places today: I woke up to messages from my friend in Philadelphia saying she was 'terrified to go outside' and subsequent continuing Facebook updates from my friends in New York, Boston and Rhode Island.
Here's some links that may be of interest to you as we wait for the storm, and possibly in the aftermath!

ABC News is reporting live updates about the places affected by the hurricane:
There have been currently five reported deaths in New York state.

CNN is also covering the Hurricane, with "5 things to know":
1. When's it going to hit?
2. Who's in danger?
3. How should people prepare?
4. What is my state doing?
5. What about transportation? is also doing live coverage, with some videos showing damage in various areas up the east coast, reporting their own "top 5" current storm damage, also stating that Sandy is no longer classified as a hurricane, but is now being named "Superstorm Sandy":
1. Storm Surge flooding in NYC
2. Winds of 60-80+ mph reported
3. More than 3 million without power
4. Appalachian Blizzard
5. What Next?

Two other interesting sites to check out for more hurricane/superstorm coverage is Fox News:
and for some more news focusing on Vermont, NBC News:

And while we wait in Vermont and hope desperately that classes tomorrow get cancelled --- take a minute to be thankful that a storm that has killed people and done so much horrific damage seems to be dying down.

Be safe people!


  1. Thank you for posting this. It's been annoying me how everyone's facebook status has been about how disappointed they are that the storm hasn't hit so that classes would get cancelled. Kind of makes me sick.

  2. All of my family tree lives in new York (except for some awesome vt defectors). I haven't heard from any of them so I'm assuming they're either okay or have been displaced to my bedroom.
