Wednesday, November 28, 2012

10 UVM THINGS I have done this semester

(and you should too)

1. Go cliff jumping at Red Rocks - one of the most awesome things I have ever done!

2. Swim in the UVM fountain at midnight

3. Ride the drunk bus

4. Hike up a mountain

5. Take the ferry across Lake Champlain to Port Kent, NY

6. Eat ALL the free samples at Cabot Cheese

7. Jump in a pile of leaves in fall

8. Go to as many hockey games as possible

9. Eat a maple cremee, maple butter, maple candy, maple chocolate...

10. Get kicked out of Rasputin's

11. (extra credit - I have not yet completed this, and am not sure I have the balls to do so) Participate in the naked bike ride

Thanks for an awesome semester everybody!!! I am incredibly sad to be leaving UVM in 2 weeks! :(

1 comment:

  1. I feel you man, I am graduating in the spring and am already getting nostalgic about uvm. Gonna miss this place but will come back often!
