Tuesday, September 18, 2012

BALLIN' at BARS in Burly

I'm going to start by saying: if you're under 21, you're not going to like my post. Freshman, return to your secret stashes of alcohol; this is a post about bars. Sorry.

I have to say, there's one blog at the moment I'm loving - and my teacher's not making me say that. Broke and Ballin' in Burly is a blog written by some classmates of mine for students at UVM about things to do that don't cost a dollar! (or cost less dollars than what you were going to spend)
Not only is it good for finding cheap eats and drinks, I'm actually finding some good recommendations on places to go and things to do in Burlington, something that could be helpful to all UVM students - get out of your dorms and do something fun! (Yes, I'm talking to you, lonely kids in my building who think you have waaaaay too much work. You don't.)

All the posts on this blog are awesome but a big congrats to Amory Yossarian - your posts are awesome and 'Drink your way out of the Mondays' was the perfect post for me yesterday. This post talks about drink specials in downtown Burlington on a Monday night (hello, $2 Switchbacks) at Drink. What a great way to ruin my usual sentiments about this day of the week! I'm trying not to sound too much like an alcoholic right now (but let's face it, it's college); but whoever decided that Monday should be the day to stay in was horribly mistaken. If there's any day most people need a pick-me-up, it's Monday. My history professor yesterday told us it was "only 4 days 'til the weekend!" so I know I'm not alone on this one.

So, continuing on from this, the next furthest day from the weekend is Tuesday. I'm going to add a little recommendation here: $1 pints at Manhattans on Tuesday nights. In Australia the least you pay for a pint of beer would have to be $4 (okay, it's Australia) so $1 is almost inconceivable! I was going to go tonight but due to the weather I'm forced to stay indoors and (gasp!) do some work. Either way, props to the guys writing Broke and Ballin' - I'm loving your stuff! And I promise I'm not an alcoholic, although with hopes of being a lawyer one day, I'm probably not far off. Lucky I've started researching daily drink specials now ~

1 comment:

  1. Based on the posts I've been commenting on recently, I'm probably starting to look like an alcoholic too, but I'm loving these bar posts! I am hopelessly unaware of the bar scene here, and trying to find good places to go. Thanks for the tips!
