Monday, September 3, 2012

We're the Greenest!

Green is my favorite color, something which is especially awesome if you live in Vermont. In case you're living under a rock (which WOULD be very environmentally friendly); you'll know that UVM is BIG on GREEN. Everything on this campus is compostable, recyclable and bio-degradable, even the straws. UVM is forward-thinking, future oriented, and out to save the planet. And that's not all that's green around here!

Vermont has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, the 'Green Mountain State' offering postcard worthy views and deliciously vibrant colors. From the trees to the grass to the trimming on the New England houses; Vermont is the greenest.

But I think the most popular green activity at UVM is the leafy plant which grows in the ground, and everyone's smoking it. My history professor told me that UVM is ranked 23rd on the weed-smoking list of universities in the US, but they used to be 3rd, so there's an improvement. All I can say is (coming from a university in Australia) I've never seen so many people smoking up in my life. Like I said, Vermont is green.

I was walking back to campus from downtown earlier eating chips and a girl leaned out of her car yelling at me something along the lines of... "Don't eat from a packet use the energy from the sun to power you!"

...Now that's all well and good and sure it's environmentally friendly but I don't think I'm a plant, so I'm going to need some real food. Perhaps the longer you stay at UVM the more plant-like you become? Or perhaps she's been smoking too much green stuff. Either way, I'm going to eat my environmentally friendly chips and put the bio-degradable packaging in the recycling, and then go outside and enjoy this wonderful green state.


  1. I'm hoping the Green Mountain will actually have some Oranges and Reds and Golds this fall. Unlike last year, when we had a crappy foliage season. :-(

    Also, an unnamed faculty member who refused to give his/her name for this comment (and who totally did not type this comment) has no comment on the other aspect of UVM's "green" status. ;-)

  2. Haha this is great. It makes me proud to be a UVMer seeing that this is the initial observation of a foreign exchange student. We certainly do love our green here, and hopefully you will quickly grow to love it all too! The green state welcomes you.
