Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday Night Live @ UVM

What a great night to be at UVM - comedian Seth Meyers, host of Saturday Night Live, paid a visit to the Patrick Gymnasium (and entertained UVM students and Burlington locals while he was at it).

During his segment he covered a wide range of topics, clearly catering for college students: everything from college life and his not-so-fond memories of making out on futon couches; to sex, living abroad, Vegas and of course, the upcoming elections. Some of his most favored jokes involved the candidates in the past year (I'll admit I didn't get most of these, not being American and subjected to constant election excitement for two years); especially jokes at Mitt Romney (which I did get), and talked about his own embarrassing encounters with President Obama.

He also made fun of Vermont's hippy culture, asking 'Do we have any couples in the crowd?'
As most people didn't hear him, everyone was silent, leading Meyers to exclaim, 'What? Are you all too hippy-ish to be in a relationship? Like, we don't believe in one-on-one possession man; everyone's in a communal relationship with each other', which got a lot of laughs from the crowd; although the girl in front of me didn't look too impressed when her boyfriend cheered.

Meyers kept the crowd thoroughly entertained and rarely stepped over the funny/too-far line; excepting one joke about a man having make-up sex with his dog... (which was still funny in a so-not-really funny way).
It was very hot inside Patrick Gym and he referred to this, thanking the crowd for being so great despite the heat. It was hot but I don't think people cared too much; we got our tickets for an awesomely cheap $10 and got to laugh for an hour and watch a great comedian, something which never goes astray in the second week back at school. If you missed out - catch Meyers on SNL - you won't be disappointed.

Meyers gets 10 futons out of 10 for a great night on campus.


  1. I was at the show on Thursday night. I thought I was going to pass out when he started talking about his reaction to the news of Osama's death after the white house correspondence dinner!

  2. I was at this show too. Although I love Seth Meyers, and I thought it was excellent, I was also constantly in fear of actually melting. That heat was ridiculous!
