Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lions & Tigers & Bears Oh My!

“At approximately 1:30am on Wednesday morning 9/12/12 a student walking in the area of Davis Road on the south end of Coolidge Hall observed a bear near the dumpster in that area.  The bear was seen headed south toward the soccer fields. UVM Police Responded to the area but were unable to locate.

A bear. A fucking bear was on campus, giving no shits that he wasn’t supposed to be there. To some people having a bear in your back yard is normal, but to others this is big news.  I don’t understand why this is such a casual thing to the officials of UVM. Small fire in cook results in emails, phone calls, voicemails and text messages saying FIRE FIRE FIRE IN COOK EVERYONE THERE IS A FUCKING FIRE IN COOK. IT IS UNDER CONTROL, BUT WE JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT YOU SHOULD STAY AWAY, YOU KNOW, IN CASE THE FIRE TRUCKS AND PANICKED PEOPLE DON’T ALARM YOU. And then there is a bear, chillin on campus, and we get a casual email about it. Man eating creature literally outside the window, and people are emailed a list of do’s and don’ts.

Please do not charge the bear.
Please do not play with the bear’s baby.
Please do not make fun of the bear.

Thanks for the advice I guess? Anyway, I hope everyone’s weekend is going well. And if you’re going out tonight beware of muggers by the Catholic Center and bears hangin outside by Sputies. #BurlingtonProblems


  1. i feel as though any emails/calls about the bear would be counterproductive. i know that if I heard about it right after it happened i would have dropped everything i was doing, left any class I was in, and sprinted full-speed to zoolidge (a nickname that has never been more fitting than now for that dorm!)

  2. That same night a friend of mine told there was a shooting outside of her apartment in New Haven, CT. It was quite a contrast to UVM's campus problems. I love UVM.

  3. Haaaahahaha! I loved that there was a bear, it literally made my day. I couldn't believe how blasé they were being about the bear too! And everyone thinks it's Australia that's full of dangerous animals...

  4. Looks like MSHCR let their complex mascot loose. Huh Janis?
