Saturday, September 29, 2012


The law has finally caught up to Kornbread….

UVM Police got a phone call from a student in front of Wills who said he was being harassed by none other than Kevin Martin, a.k.a Kornbread. After interviewing the student, Police Services decided that they should criminally charge Kornbread with disorderly conduct.

About damn time.

Kornbread scares the living crap out of me and I don’t understand how he roams around Burlington acting so recklessly. One of the first years on my floor was literally terrified for his life earlier this year when Kornbread began randomly harassing him. He was standing out behind Mason when he started hollering obscenities at this poor boy. It startled him but he didn’t start worrying until Kornbread started throwing things at his window yelling “I’M COMIN FOR YA!!!!!” Since the first year was clueless (read more here) as to who Kornbread was, he was so confused and thought he did something wrong. He then proceeded to lock his door and hide under his covers for the rest of the night.

Another one of my friends told me about the time they watched him bash in their back shield window because he thought it belonged to someone else. When they corrected him his only reply was “Oh shit my fault” and then he walked away.

The Cynic is the one who reported on this and they interviewed one student who said Maybe instead of calling campus police in reaction to someone we do not understand, we should just say hello.” Orrrrrrrrrrrrrr we can just not wait to see what he does when he gets angry and call the police. Idk. Your call.

Maybe he is a friendly neighborhood friend, but his track record proves otherwise. Maybe one day I’ll meet him and he’ll change my mind. Maybe one day I’ll meet him and he’ll proceed to shout out vulgar things at me who knows. 


  1. My friend found a phone on the side of the road and dialed the most recent contact, "wifey." Kornbread answered and was very excited that someone had found his lost phone. They arranged to meet at Mr. Mikes Pizza. Kornbread was so happy to have his phone back that he offered to give my friend free cocaine.

  2. Kornbread is harmless. He seems scary when he walks around, but if you ever hang out with him he's actually a very nice person.

  3. awww don't be afraid janice!! kornbread may seem scary and some of his behavior may fall into the realm of the "illegal", but he is really nice! i feel like he's a burlington staple....

    also i'm kinda appalled and upset that I now know for sure he has a real name.... i figured he wasnt named "kornbread" but still....

  4. I also can attest to the soft teddy-beddy-esq interior of my man Kornbread. He has been a respectful house guest for quite a few house parties, although I won't deny the fact that he has some real wildcard tendencies. Having had to explain him to my parents after he gave me daps while my family ate outside on church street, I can understand the fear and confusion of someone who doesn't know the infamous character. Johnny is on to something as well, I said "bless you" once and he tried to give me an eight ball.

    In the words of our criminally charged friend, "IF YOU AIN'T A PIMP YOU A HOE BUDDYYYYYY!"

  5. Kornbread has to be the hardest person to explain to anyone outside of burlington. The new RD for MAT has never seen Kornbread before so we have been trying to point him out all semester. He is quite an illusive person for a screaming rapper. I can never find him when I want to, but he always there when I don't expect him to be. Kornbread is the unofficial campus celebrity.
