Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's week 3 and I'm coming down with something...

I think they call it 'realization'; and mine's about school work.

As my professors keep reminding me, it's week 3, and that means shits gettin' real. I've already had two pop quizzes and two reports due, and I'm having my first exam next week. I'm starting to feel a whole lot like this (behind after two weeks of school). I'm wondering where last weekend went... I think it's stuck somewhere between  8-9 September, which doesn't help.

Another problem is that, being an exchange student, I have until this point treated this opportunity as a bit of a vacation (AND cultural education), hoping that somehow the university gods would look down on me favorably and let me pass all my subjects with minimal work and mediocre attendance. I think reality has sunk in now...

As you can see, the unavoidable reality of having to do work coupled with my current lack of motivation has led me to coping by looking up amazing blogs (I highly recommend you check out both the ones I linked above, they are absolutely hilarious); and planning various trips around the US and Canada (and trying to work out some convoluted way to get there and back and still have enough time to enjoy myself, whilst not missing any of my classes Monday - Friday. I could write you a report on the impossibilities).

One thing that is different about UVM to my uni at home is the amount of homework (if you ever want to have almost no work for a semester and not have to attend classes, go to Australia). I think however the one thing making me grateful for being in week 3 of classes is that at least I'm not back home, and in week 9 of classes. We still have a month until mid-terms, so... I think I'll go check out Boston! If you're feeling a little ill at the thought of getting into work, watch this video. Guaranteed to make you laugh.


  1. Damn. I feel you summer too short and classes too long.. thanks for improving my week a little though love your incorporation of gifs into writing.. keep it up!

  2. I'm glad that i'm not the only one who was slapped with the realization that i gotta get my act together for school this semester

  3. Think of yourself as ja'mie, here to help the Americans be less pover! I for one would very much appreciate a formal.

  4. The links really added a lot your post. Great video
