Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heroin dealer's plan gets Cracked

THIS JUST IN: UVM is the USA's new drug trafficking hot-spot! I kid you not.

Last week I went down to the Chittenden County District Court to watch some trials on a Tuesday afternoon (I'm cool like that) and there was a guy from New York being tried for two counts of heroin possession and for bringing heroin into the state of Vermont. He was also on trial for cocaine possession, but this was unconfirmed.

The trial was interesting enough and the judge handed out some jail time to this guy, however what really interested me was his testimony about bringing the drugs into Vermont. Firstly, he came on the megabus. And apparently him and his pals do this trip quite often. Then, he hid the heroin UNDER A BUSH on the UVM green for 2 days. And it was still there when he came back for it. And he's done this before. WHAT

Anyway, it seems the guy made a complete hash of this, as the cops soon caught up with him.

So kids, the moral of the story is, if you go rummaging around under bushes around UVM, you're likely to find drugs! No, that's not the moral at all (he got 18 months jail time); I'm not giving you a line to take.

Listen to your Uncle Billy, kids: Don't buy drugs...

Become a pop star and they give them to you for FREE!

...or just dig around the UVM campus. Either one.

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